In implementation of the directives of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar, A cargo plane carrying a shipment of 8.5 tons of urgent Medical Assistance provided by the State of Qatar through Qatar Fund For Development (QFFD) has arrived in the Republic of Moldova to contribute to the efforts made by the Republic of Moldova to face the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19).
The plane carrying the Medical Assistance was received by HE Mr. Pavel Voicu, Minister of Interior, HE Mr. Dumitru SOCOLAN, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, HE Mr. Alexandru Holostenco, State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, HE Mr. Hamad bin Rashid Al-Athba, Chargé d'Affaires at the Embassy of the State of Qatar to the Republic of Moldova and Mr. Hamad bin Khalid Al-Sheaibi - Second Secretary – at the Embassy.
In his speech, HE the Minister of Interior of the Republic of Moldova thanked HH the Amir of the State of Qatar for Medical Assistance offered at this difficult time which will assist the government of Moldova to face the challenges resulting from the outbreak of the novel coronavirus .
For his part, the chargé d’affairs at the embassy of the State of Qatar to the Republic of Moldova said that the shipment of Medical Assistance sent to support the Moldovan Medical Sector to confront the outbreak coronavirus. He emphasized on the stand of the State of Qatar by the side of the Republic of Moldova and its people during this crisis and wishing its demise soon.
In vederea implementarii directivelor A.S. Sheikh-ul Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, Emirul Statului Qatar, un avion de tip cargo cu un lot de 8.5 tone de Ajutor Medical de urgenta, donat de catre Statul Qatar prin intermediul Fondului Qatarez pentru Dezvoltare (FQPD) a aterizat in Republica Moldova, pentru a contribui la eforturile Republicii Moldova in lupta cu raspindirea noului coronavirus (COVID-19).
Avionul avind la bord Ajutorul Medical, a fost receptionat de catre E.S. Dl Pavel Voicu, Ministrul Afacerilor Interne, E.S. Dl Dumitru Socolan, Secretar de Stat al Ministerului Afacerilor Externe si Integrarii Europene, E.S. Dl Alexandru Holostenco, Secretar de Stat al Ministerului Sanatatii, Muncii si Protectiei Sociale, E.S. Dl Hamad Rashid Al-Athba, Insarcinat cu afaceri al Ambasadei Statului Qatar in Republica Moldova si Dl Hamad bin Khalid Alsheaibi, Secretar II al Ambasadei.
In discursul sau, E.S. Ministrul Afacerilor Interne al Republicii Moldova i-a multumit A.S. Emirul Statului Qatar pentru Ajutorul Medical oferit in acest moment dificil, care va ajuta guvernul Republicii Moldova sa faca fata provocarilor in lupta cu raspindirea noului coronavirus.
Din partea sa, Insarcinatul cu Afaceri al Ambasadei Statului Qatar in Republica Moldova a zis ca lotul cu Asistenta Medicala trimis este pentru a ajuta Sectorul Medical Moldovenesc in lupta cu raspindirea coronavirusului. Domnia Sa a accentuat suportul Statului Qatar pentru Republica Moldova si a poporului sau pe timp de criza si speranta de a o invinge in timpul apropiat.