His Excellency Mr. Pavel Voicu, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, received Mr. Hamad bin Rashid Al-Athba , Chargé d'Affaires at Embassy of the State of Qatar to the Republic of Moldova, who has been awarded the "Order of Merit" of the first degree according to Resolution No. 92 of 2020, the highest order awarded by the Minister of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Moldova, in recognition to the efforts of the Chargé d'Affairs in the development and promotion of relations between the two friendly countries, a number of senior police leaders in the Republic of Moldova attended the ceremony.
A primit E.S. Pavel Voicu ministrul de interne al republicii moldova E.S.Hamad bin rashid al athbi.insarcinatul cu afaceri al ambasadei statului Qatar in Republica moldova, unde a primit medalie crucea de merit.clasa I.conform ordinului nr.92.anul 2020.considerata cea mai mare medalie ce se confera din partea ministrului de interne al republicii moldova pentru consolidarea si dezvoltarea relatiilor de prietenie intre cele doua state, unde a participat mai multi conducatori ai politie in republica moldova.