Minister of Foreign Affairs meets the Chargé d'Affaires a.i.

Mr. Hamad Bin Rashid Al-Athba, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. at the Embassy of the State of Qatar to the Republic of Moldova met with His Excellency Mr. Aureliu Ciocoi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration in the Republic of Moldova, on the sidelines of the opening of the 7th  Regional Forum of the Cybersecurity Week for 2019, organized in the Republic of Moldova under the patronage of the Moldovan government. The opening ceremony was witnessed by HE Mr. Ion Chicu, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova as well as a number of members of the government and members of accredited diplomatic Corps and senior officials in the State. The meeting dealt with the Moldovan government’s interest in cybersecurity and means of enhancing cooperation in the field of preventing cyberattacks on government electronic’ infrastructure. It also dealt with the importance of cooperation in this field, especially as the State of Qatar has a considerable experience in cybersecurity and protection of information systems.

s-a întâlnit E.S Hamad bin rashid al-Athba însărcinatul cu afaceri al ambasadei statului Qatar in republica Moldova cu E.S Aureliu ciocoi ministrul de externe si integrarii europene al republicii Moldova, la marginea inaugurării celui de-al șaptelea forum regional a saptamini a securității cibernetice 2019 in republica Moldova sub auspiciile guvernului, unde a participat la ceremonie de deschiderea prim ministru al republicii Moldova, si membre ai guvernului si reprezentați misiunilor diplomatice acreditate si înalți funcționari de stat, in cadrul evenimentului s- discutat despre interesul guvernului moldovenesc in domeniul securități cibernetice si consolidarea cooperări in domeniul prevenirii atacurilor cibernetice asupra infrastructurii electronice guvernamentale, unde a subliniat importanta cooperării in acest domeniu, mai ales ca statul Qatar are o experiență considerabila in securității cibernetice si protecția sistemelor informaționale.