Meeting of the Chief of the Diplomatic Institute with the Chargé d’Affaires a.i.

His Excellency Mr. Victor Ţvircun, Chief of the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration in the Republic of Moldova, has met at the Seat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration with Mr. Hamad Bin Rashid Al-Athba, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. at the Embassy of the State of Qatar to the Republic of Moldova. During the meeting they reviewed the bilateral Relations between the two friendly countries and explored means of supporting and developing them in addition to the issues of mutual interest.
 E.S.Victor Tvircun șeful institutului diplomatic al ministerului afacerilor externe si integrării europene in republica Moldova, s-a întâlnit la sediul ministerului cu E.S.hamad bin rashid al- Athba, Chargé d’affaires a.i la Ambasada Statului Qatar in Republica Moldova, in cadrul întrevederi, au trecut in revista relațiile bilaterale dintre cele doua state prietene si posibilităților de susținerea si dezvoltarea acestora pe lingă problemele de interes reciproc.